Serving the Twin Cities community
one meal at a time.


Your donation makes a difference!

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Learn How

Twin Cities Meals on Wheels programs deliver
nearly 1.8 million meals
each year to our neighbors.

Choice, Convenience, Flexibility.

Choice, Convenience, Flexibility.

Meals on Wheels offers a range of options to suit your tastes and dietary needs. We’re here regardless of your ability to pay. If you can pay, you’re helping somebody else who can’t.

Because You Care, We're Here.

Caring for a loved one? Let Meals on Wheels help by delivering nutritious and well-rounded meals.

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On the Blog

An Extra Serving

Meals on Wheels volunteer delivering a meal

The case for getting involved

An often-touted benefit of Meals on Wheels for recipients is the connection to their community that comes from a daily volunteer visit. Could it be that volunteers receive a similar benefit from being part of something bigger?

Help end the wait.

As of Jan. 1, special pandemic funding ended for Meals on Wheels.
Your donation helps ensure our neighbors don't have to wait to be served.

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