Careers: Board Member

Metro Meals on Wheels
1200 Washington Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55415

Metro Meals on Wheels Background

The neighborhood- and community-based Meals on Wheels programs in the Twin Cities were started in the 1970s by churches and community organizations that understood the importance of “neighbors helping neighbors.” These geographically based programs continue to help seniors and people with disabilities remain independent and in their own homes, thanks to the delivery of hot, nutritious meals and friendly visits with dedicated volunteers. Today Metro Meals on Wheels is an association of 32 Meals on Wheels programs that provides essential services to its members on a metro-wide scale in a cost-efficient manner. Our mission is, with our members, to lead the effort to ensure that individuals in our community receive nutritious meals and the human connection they need to enable them to live independently.


Metro Meals on Wheels with our program partners leads the effort to ensure that individuals in our community receive nutritious meals and the human connection they need to enable them to live independently.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • HR Professional
  • Government relations
  • Fund development


Application deadline: Ongoing
Meeting time and frequency: 3rd Thursday 4:30pm – 6:00pm on odd-numbered months
Meeting location: At main office or rotated to different Twin Cities locations
Committees: every-other-month as determined by each committee


Time Commitment: 4-6 hours/month
Financial Commitment required: voluntary, strongly encouraged
Service on a committee: required
Event attendance: Board is encouraged to attend 1-2 events throughout the year.
Board Term: 2 years (June-May)
Renewable: yes, up to 3 consecutive terms

Please contact Patrick Rowan, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 612-623-3363 for application.