Support seniors through the American Rescue Plan
Twin Cities Meals on Wheels programs are serving roughly twice as many meals as they were when the COVID-19 Pandemic started, and demand hasn’t slowed down since. Many families continue to experience the economic effects of the pandemic and older adults are no exception.
The generosity of our community has helped us keep pace to this point, but further government investment in programs like Meals on Wheels is essential. We’re asking our local leaders to commit resources through the American Rescue Plan to ensure that all who need meals are able to get them.
As the state apportions federal dollars allocated through the American Rescue Plan, we’re asking lawmakers to:
Enhance investment in the Elderly Waivers and other waivered services that help cover the cost of Meals on Wheels.
Continue investment in emergency food relief programs that expanded access to Meals on Wheels during the pandemic.
Sign the Petition
I’m signing this petition because I want my elected officials to know public funding for Meals on Wheels is essential to helping seniors and people with disabilities live at home, where they want to live. Please support seniors through investment in programs like Meals on Wheels through the American Rescue Plan!