Everything you need to know about voting, either at the polls or from home!
Election Day is fast-approaching and this year it is important as ever to get out to the polls and vote. For many people though, getting to the polls can be very difficult and really a big task. Luckily there are many options and ways to vote that make is easy for everyone. Below is a list of items that will hopefully answer any questions that you may have about voting remotely and not physically going to the polls on election day, and voting in general.
Criteria for Voting
In order to vote in the state of Minnesota you must:
- Be a U.S. Citizen
- Be 18 years old by November 8th
- Live at a Minnesota Address by October 19th
- Not be serving any part of a felony conviction, including any probation, parole, or other conditions such as restitution
- Not be currently judged incompetent by a court
How to Register to Vote
- Online
In order to register to vote online you must have:
-an email address
-one of the following: Minnesota driver’s license, Minnesota State ID card, last 4 digits of your Social Security number
Registering online is easy and just has to be done before October 18th.
- By mail
Mailing in your registration is also a very easy option. To get the registration application you can print it off, or contact your county election office to have one sent to you. Then mail your registration application to this address:
Secretary of State
60 Empire Drive
Suite 100
St. Paul, MN 55103
- In person
If you would like to register in person you can print off the form or pick it up from your county election office. After you have filled out the form you can either bring it to the county election office or this address:
Secretary of State
60 Empire Drive
Suite 100
St. Paul, MN 55103
If you’d prefer to register on Election Day you can bring in your registration application and also a proof of residence. A list of the approved Photo ID’s and documents can be found here.
Options for Voting
- In person
If you are able to get to the polls on Election Day you can find out where you should go here, based on your current address.
- Absentee ballot
If you are unable to get to the polls on Election Day for whatever reason, you can cast an Absentee ballot. First you must fill out the Absentee ballot application – check the “general election” box – and either mail, fax, or email your application to your county election office by November 7th. After you receive your ballot in the mail, follow the instructions to fill it out, and mail your ballot into the address on the return envelope so it can be received no later than 8p.m. November 8th. You can check the status of your Absentee ballot here. Absentee voting starts September 23rd and goes until November 7th.
What’s on the Ballot this year?
U.S. President
U.S. Representative
State Senator
State Representative
Constitutional Amendment
State Supreme Court Justice
State Court of Appeals Judge
State District Court Judge
Some voters in the State will also vote on: County Commissioner, Soil & Water Supervisor, City Officers, School Board Members, Township Officers, Park District Board Member, Hospital District Board Member, and Local ballot questions.
Minnesota has a history of having a great voter turnout. In the 2008, 2010, and 2012 general elections Minnesota had the highest voter turnout in the entire country. In 2014 however, we dropped to the 6th highest in the country. Let’s do everything we can to bring Minnesota back to the top during this election.
If you have any questions about items discussed on this page, or voting in general, contact the Minnesota Secretary of State at 651.215.1440, or go to their website for all things related to the election and voting.