Meals alleviate concerns about food budget for local veteran
When Chris, a 53-year-old Navy veteran in Minneapolis, lost access to increased SNAP benefits, he was nervous about his food budget. Then he got connected with Meals on Wheels.
When Chris, a 53-year-old Navy veteran in Minneapolis, lost access to increased SNAP benefits, he was nervous about his food budget. Then he got connected with Meals on Wheels.
We’re excited to share that traditional Mexican meals are now available for Meals on Wheels recipients in the Twin Cities.
Disability Pride Month is celebrated each July. Meals on Wheels is proud to serve people with disabilities who rely on nutritious meals to help them live independently.
In honor of Pride Month, we‘re sharing some resources for LGBTQ+ older adults.
The problem of loneliness and social isolation has been recognized as a public health crisis. Whether or not you are feeling the effects of loneliness, know that you can help by connecting with your neighbors.
Meals on Heels is an evening of great food, beverages, and entertainment to support Meals on Wheels in the Twin Cities. Join us Aug. 1!
April is National Volunteer Month, and it’s a great opportunity for us to acknowledge the extraordinary work our volunteers do year-round.
This month, many of our Muslim neighbors and Halal meal recipients are celebrating Ramadan.
Two Meals on Wheels volunteers recently were able to help recipients get the help they needed after a fall.
A new program strives to provide Meals on Wheels to veterans, whether they are struggling with access to healthy food or social isolation.