Blog: Adeeg Dheeraad ah

How Meals on Wheels is funded in 2025

Woman receiving a meal delivered by a volunteer

The delivery of meals to thousands of seniors in the Twin Cities is made possible through a unique mix of government support, grants from charitable…

The case for getting involved

Meals on Wheels volunteer delivering a meal

An often-touted benefit of Meals on Wheels for recipients is the connection to their community that comes from a daily volunteer visit. Could it be that volunteers receive a similar benefit from being part of something bigger?

U dabaal degaya Bisha Kibirka Naafada

Russell iyo Evelyn, Cunnooyinka Taayirada qaata

Bisha Kibirka Naafada ayaa la xusaa Luulyo kasta. Food on Wheels waxay ku faantaa inay u adeegto dadka naafada ah ee ku tiirsan cuntooyinka nafaqada leh si ay ugu noolaadaan si madaxbannaan.

Tigidhada iibka ah ee Cunnada Cidhibta 2024

Nagu soo biir Cunnooyinka Cidhibta ah Agoosto 1!

Cuntooyinka Cidhibta ku yaal waa fiidkii cunto, cabitaanno, iyo madadaalo aad u wanaagsan si ay u taageeraan Cunnada Taagerada ee Magaalooyinka Mataanaha ah. Nagu soo biir Agoosto 1!

Bogga Xiga