
Xiisaynaya xirfad ka caawineysa isku xirka waayeelka iyo dadka naafada ah cuntada nafaqada leh ee ay ugu baahan yihiin inay ku sii noolaadaan guriga? Fadlan ku eeg fursadaha soo socda Metro Meals on Wheels iyo la-hawlgalayaasha barnaamijka.

Cuntada metrooga ee giraangiraha

Xubinta Guddida

Haddii aad xiisaynayso in cunto nafaqo leh la siiyo dadka waayeelka ah iyo shakhsiyaadka naafada ah dhammaan magaalooyinka mataanaha ah waxaanu kugu dhiirigelinaynaa inaad codsato inaad xubin ka noqoto Guddiga Maamulka Cuntooyinka Metro ee Wheels. Fadlan la xidhiidh Agaasimaha Fulinta, Patrick Rowan, si aad u codsato: [email protected].

Codsiga Cuntooyinka Taayirada Gawaarida ee Codsiga Soo jeedinta

Metro Meals on Wheels (MMOW) ayaa soo saartay Codsiga Dib-u-noqoshada si ay u sii hayso adeege ama adeegayaal si ay ugu diyaariyaan cuntada guriga lagu geynayo waayeelka ay u adeegaan 30ka barnaamij ee xubnaha ka ah laga bilaabo Janaayo 1, 2025. MMOW waxay saxiixi doontaa qandaraas hal sano ah oo leh ikhtiyaarka in la cusboonaysiiyo ilaa laba sano oo dheeraad ah. Saddex sano ka dib habka wax soo iibsiga ayaa dib loo dhamayn doonaa.

Barnaamijyada Iskaashatada

Metro Meals on Wheels waxay iskaashi la samaysaa 30-ka barnaamij ee xubnaha xaafadda ee bixinta Cunnooyinka wheels ee dhammaan magaalooyinka mataanaha ah. Fursadaha shaqada iyo guddiga agaasimayaasha ayaa halkan lagu dhejiyay markay diyaar noqdaan.

Community Emergency Service (CES) – Meals on Wheels Delivery Driver

Community Emergency Service (CES) has six core programs, servicing over 125,000 individuals annually and giving out over 650,000 lbs. of food. CES strives to alleviate hunger in all forms. The Meals on Wheels program at CES serves over 350 people daily in the inner-city areas of South and North Minneapolis with a smile and prepared, nutritious hot noon meal or frozen meals delivered daily and monthly check-in calls. The Meals on Wheels Delivery Driver will play an essential role on the Meals on Wheels team, delivering nutritious meals for our neighbors, along with a simple wellness check and a caring human connection. The MOW Delivery Driver will be responsible for completing daily delivery routes in a timely manner, with exceptional customer service, all while adhering to our food safety guidelines. More information about the position can be found halkan.

Community Emergency Service (CES) – Meals on Wheels Associate

Community Emergency Service (CES) has six core programs, servicing over 125,000 individuals annually and giving out over 650,000 lbs. of food. CES strives to alleviate hunger in all forms. The Meals on Wheels program at CES serves over 350 people daily in the inner-city areas of South and North Minneapolis with a smile and prepared, nutritious hot noon meal or frozen meals delivered daily and monthly check-in calls. The Cunnooyinka on Wheels Associate waxay mas'uul ka tahay darawallada iskaa wax u qabso ah ee Cunnada Ku Lugaha iyo sidoo kale baakaynta cuntooyinka barafaysan. Tan waxaa ku jira qorista, tababarka iyo aqoonsiga tabaruceyaasha. Booskani wuxuu la falgalaa macaamiisha sare, shaqaalaha iyo mutadawiciinta shakhsi ahaan iyo taleefoonka. Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan booska ayaa la heli karaa halkan.

Cunnooyinka Harada Cagaaran ee Taayirada - Cuntooyinka Ku Takhasuska Lugaha

The White Bear Lake Area Schools Meals on Wheels program is seeking a Meals on Wheels Specialist. The ideal candidate is energetic, skilled, and motivated and will perform intermediate administrative support work preparing and maintaining various clients records and reports, oversee the preparation and delivery of meals, acting as a kitchen worker, and related work as apparent or assigned.  Provide coordination to volunteer kitchen workers and drivers. Work is performed under the limited supervision of the Adult Programs & Facility Coordinator. Wax badan baro oo ka dalbo halkan.