Meals on Wheels volunteers in the news
We’ve learned throughout the pandemic that Meals on Wheels volunteers will continue to deliver despite the challenges the world throws at them. We were pleased to see the media take note of their dedication this week in light of rising gas prices.
KSTP stopped by Community Emergency Services Meals on Wheels and chatted with volunteer Paul Bondhus. He had the following to say about what it means to him to regularly bring nutritious meals to his neighbors at this time:
“It’s a privilege and they’re so thankful. For some of them you’re the only person they see, especially during COVID. It’s a first world problem, for me at least. It’s a small price to pay for whatever we do, whether it’s democracy in Ukraine, whether it’s democracy at home. It’s the smallest sacrifice I could imagine.”
CCX Media in the northwest suburbs checked in with CROSS Meals on Wheels as well. Volunteer Joanne Reinhart shared why she’s committed to helping her neighbors:
“I retired from my nursing career of 45 years, July of last year. And I knew that I wanted to do something to give back, something helping, because that’s what I did as a nurse, and this kind of fulfills that.”
Hats off to the Meals on Wheels volunteers who deliver through all types of challenges. If you’d like to become a volunteer, learn more here. You can also make a donation in honor of their work.