The lowdown on new voting resources available in Minnesota

Election Day isn’t until Nov. 4, but the polls are already open in Minnesota. For the first year, Minnesotans are allowed to vote absentee without an excuse and ballots are already available for those interested in this option.
Absentee voting can be a great option for seniors and people with disabilities who experience difficulties with getting to the polls on Election Day. That’s why local Meals on Wheels programs are helping make information on registering to vote and absentee voting available to recipients and their caregivers.
Registering to vote
If you plan to vote absentee, you must be registered to vote at your current address. If you are unsure if you are registered, you can check your registration status online.
This year is also the first year you can register to vote online in Minnesota. To pre-register online, you must complete your application by 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14. You can also register by mail (mail applications must be received by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14), in person and at your polling place on Election Day. More registration information can be found on the Secretary of State’s website or by calling 877-600-8683.
Voting absentee
You can vote absentee by mail or in person up until Election Day. If voting by mail, ballots must be received by Election Day in order to be counted.
To vote by mail, you can submit a request for a ballot online or download an application for a ballot, print and mail it. When you receive your ballot, follow the instructions carefully. The Secretary of State’s office also offers additional information on voting absentee by mail.
To vote absentee in person, you can visit your county election office during regular office hours leading up to the election, as well as some city government centers. Find more information on voting absentee in person here.
If you have questions related to voting or absentee voting, you can call the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office at 877-600-8683. If you know of a Meals on Wheels recipient who could use help with voting, you can contact us 612-623-3363.