Welcome To Our Blog
Welcome to our new blog, An Extra Serving! From client stories to volunteer highlights to news updates, our goal is to provide you with an inside look at the people who make Meals on Wheels great.
There are so many stories behind the meals served by Meals on Wheels, and we intend to share the best of them here. In addition to personal stories, you’ll also be able to find some useful tips for volunteers and caregivers, news about special Meals on Wheels events and items of particular interest to our clients and supporters.
Since this blog will be a place to share all types of good news and useful information, we encourage you to contact us if you have a good story, photo or a helpful tip. If you have a great tale from your delivery experience, your family is hosting a fun benefit for Meals on Wheels, or know of a meal recipient or volunteer that has a great story to tell, we’d love to hear it.
Thanks for stopping by and we hope to hear from you soon!