FAQ for volunteers during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Meals on Wheels relies on thousands of volunteers to bring nutritious food to our neighbors in need every day. Never has the need for this service been more essential with many of the people we serve being increasingly isolated during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Metro Meals on Wheels and its program partners are taking the necessary precautions to ensure delivery can continue safely during this difficult time. Read on for answers to frequently asked questions to volunteer questions at this time:
Can I continue to deliver during a stay-at-home/shelter-in-place order?
Yes. Meals on Wheels volunteers are providing an essential service and are exempt from a shelter-in-place order. We need healthy volunteers to continue to provide this service. This applies to both delivery and kitchen volunteers.
How are meal delivery sites keeping me safe as a volunteer at this time?
- Meals on Wheels delivery sites are sanitizing all items used for delivery in between uses.
- Sites have made adjustments to meal pickup to allow for proper social distancing and minimize person-to-person contact.
- Volunteers should pay special attention to instructions given by delivery coordinators and on delivery sheets to reduce unnecessary interaction between volunteers and meal recipients
How can I do my part as a volunteer to make sure I’m not spreading the virus to meal recipients?
- CLEAN HANDS: We are asking drivers to wash their hands prior to delivery and again when they are done delivering for the day.
- SAFE DELIVERY: When possible, leave meals by the door and call or ring the doorbell to prevent all unnecessary contact.
- HEALTHY DRIVERS: We are asking drivers to call their site coordinators, as soon as possible, if they are unable to drive because they are not feeling well.
We ask you to stay home if you answer yes to any of the following questions:
- Do you have a fever?
- Are you coughing, sneezing, or do you have a runny nose?
- Does anyone in your household have these symptoms?
- Have you or anyone in your household had close contact with someone who has or suspects they have COVID-19?
Do I need a mask to volunteer?
We are asking volunteers in our Kitchen of Opportunities to wear masks. If you do not have a mask we have masks at our kitchen for your use.
Do you still need more volunteers to help with delivery?
Yes. We’ll need all the help we can get to ensure delivery continues through the pandemic. If you can help, please sign up to be an on-call volunteer. Your help may not be required immediately, but we expect that we’ll be in need of new volunteers throughout the course of the pandemic.
I recently signed up to volunteer. When should I expect to start?
We’ve had an amazing number of new volunteers sign up in the last few weeks and we expect to need all of them at some point. We’re working diligently to match volunteers with open opportunities, but it’s possible you may be placed on a waiting list for when new opportunities open. Thank you for your patience. Know that you are appreciated and will be needed to help when the time comes!