Safe delivery and other FAQs for meal recipients
Meals on Wheels is committed to providing meal delivery throughout the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic. There may be some changes to services provided during this difficult time to protect the safety of meal recipients and volunteers, but we will continue to serve our neighbors in need.
Will meal service continue?
Yes, our meal delivery sites and our volunteers are doing everything we can to continue the delivery of meals throughout the pandemic. However, recipients should expect some changes to the standard delivery. Those who are able may be asked to accept a bulk delivery of frozen meals to be reheated and some specialty items may have limited availability.
If you currently aren’t getting meals but would like to start, we are accepting new customers. You can enroll here.
How do I know the meals are safe to eat?
In addition to our daily safe food handling practices, we have employed several proactive measures to protect everyone involved in the preparation and delivery of meals and limit the spread of illness.
According to the CDC and health experts, there is little to no risk of COVID-19 being passed through food. Whether it’s our meals or any other food, wash your hands thoroughly before eating.
How do I ensure a safe delivery?
Delivery drivers will knock on your door, place the meals on a door handle or table next to your door and back away to a distance of at least 6 feet. If you would like, you can verbally acknowledge to the volunteer that you are there and let them know that it’s okay to leave. Volunteers may also call to notify you of a delivery so you can give the proper instructions.
If you live in an apartment building, please contact your building management about the proper protocols for accepting deliveries. You can call your delivery site and provide them with special instructions to be passed along to the volunteer.
What should I do if I’m having symptoms of COVID-19?
If you are experiencing serious symptoms such as shortness of breath, call 911. If your symptoms are mild, contact your healthcare provider. Many providers have set up phone screenings, so a phone call before going in is recommended. For your meal delivery, request that your meal be left outside your door to prevent the spread of illness.
I need to put my meals on hold because I won’t be at home. What should I do?
You can call your Meals on Wheels provider to let them know that you need stop delivery. If you don’t know your delivery site’s number, give us a call at 612-623-3363. We’ll be happy to resume service when you will be able to receive meals again.