Xyuas Peb Cov Zaub Mov

We offer meals served hot daily, as well as convenient weekly frozen meal deliveries. The meals pictured here reflect the menu served by most Twin Cities Meals on Wheels programs – menus may vary by area.

  • DFKhoom noj uas tsis muaj mis nyuj
  • GFKhoom noj uas tsis muaj Gluten los yog nplej
  • VKhoom noj uas tsis muaj nqaij
  • AIKhoom noj uas yog Asian Inspired
  • LIKhoom noj uas yog Latino Inspired
  • LFKhoom noj uas tsis muaj Lactose
Nyem ib lub cim saum toj no los lim los ntawm qeb.

Current Menu

About The Meals

All meals are made fresh, without preservatives and exceed nutrition guidelines. The majority of the meals served by Twin Cities Meals on Wheels programs are sourced locally through our partnership with Open Arms of Minnesota.

Two Great Delivery Options

Txhua Hnub: Peb cov ntawv qhia zaub mov txhua hnub muaj qee yam txawv txhua hnub ntawm lub hli thiab tig nquag. Cov zaub mov raug xa tuaj npaj noj thaum noj su los ntawm ib tus phooj ywg tuaj yeem pab dawb.
Txhua Lub Hlis: Xaiv los ntawm ntau dua 30 hom kev xaiv qab ntawm peb Cov Khoom Noj Noj Khoom Haus Dej Txias Txhua Lub Lim Tiam. Hauv ntau lub nroog Cov Txheej Txheem Hauv Nroog, koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov zaub mov twg koj xav sim when you order. Meals come with easy reheating instructions, and can be delivered on a day that works best for you.

We Work With Your Diet

Yog tias koj xav tau ib yam khoom noj, muaj feem ntau peb muaj.

Cultural Options

Peb cov ntawv qhia ua zaub mov noj txhua lub lim tiam suav nrog cov Latino-inspired thiab Asian-inspired menus. Kosher thiab halal xaiv kuj muaj.
Npaj muab mov rau cov zaub mov puas tas? Sau npe tam sim no.